Take Control of Your Life

We can’t do it all, so we do most things poorly—on a good day. And we’ve lived like this for so long that we don’t even realize how very far we are from reaching our potential!
Most times, we’re just reacting, as though we’re being jerked to and fro by some gigantic remote-control device. We’re trying desperately to keep one thing or other from crashing and burning. And we’re doing well just to make sure the kids are off to school wearing matching socks, and we don’t forget the big proposal on the kitchen table after working on it most of the night, and we’re getting most of our bills paid before they’re 30 days overdue.
Goal-setting? Forget about it. Attitude? Do you really want to know? Happiness? Come on!
And what about managing our money and taking control of our income? How’s that possible when we live paycheck to paycheck? As for our relationships—who would know? We hardly see each other or talk.
The signs of a life out of control may seem subtle: Your kids are growing up before your eyes, yet you hardly know them; you dread going to work at a job you’ve had for years; you want to say “no” before you even hear the question because saying “yes” means adding something to your plate.
Does any of this sound familiar? Is it normal to live a life out of control? Does it have to be?
The first step toward regaining control is examining your life and determining where you have problems. So take the self-assessment quiz that follows. Then read the insights offered by some of the best-respected experts and thought leaders.
You can change your attitude so you’re open to opportunities, so you feel it’s possible to chart your own course and drive your life forward. You can set goals—and you can reach them! Despite the economic chaos, you can take control of your income and start your own business. You can build wealth. You can reconnect with your family. And you can be happy.
Is Your Attitude Your Challenge?
Do you believe that now is the perfect time to seize opportunities?
Do you feel confident that your future is full of prosperity?
Do you believe that you have the skills and abilities to meet your goals?
Do you look at the challenging people in your life as teachers rather than enemies?
If you answered YES to 0-1 questions, congratulations! You have a winning attitude that inspires others and keeps you on track to your goals. If you answered NO to 2-4 questions, you may have a great attitude when things are going your way but struggle to stay positive in challenging times. Check out Jim Rohn’s advice for changing your attitude to change your life.
Are You Pursuing Your Goals?
Have you written down your long-term goals?
Have you written down a few things you want to achieve by the end of the year?
Have you developed specific steps to meet your larger goals, plus a way to measure your progress?
Do you meet your goals regularly and set new ones?
If you answered YES to 0-1 questions, congratulations! You are a champion goalsetter. If you answered NO to 2-4 questions, you could be settling for status quo instead of reaching for your dreams. Read Brian Tracy’s advice on goal-setting and achieving.
Is Your Life Fulfilling?
Do you feel like something is missing from your life?
Do you neglect your hobbies or interests in favor of daily tasks?
Do you find yourself watching the clock, waiting for the day to end?
Do you fill your downtime with mindless distractions like too much TV?
If you answered NO to 0-1 questions, congratulations! You balance your personal interests and passions with your responsibilities to stay happy and fulfilled. If you answered YES to 2-4 questions, it’s time to make a change and bring the joy back into your life. It’s never too late! Read Deepak Chopra’s advice on creating happiness.
Do You Need a Relationship Checkup?
Do you opt out of family activities because of work?
Do you think you’re too busy to connect with old friends?
Has your social life dwindled down to your spouse or co-workers?
During stressful times, do you avoid “burdening” others with your problems?
If you answered NO to 0-1 questions, congratulations! You’re doing a great job of making relationships a priority in your life. If you answered YES to 2-4 questions, don’t let another day go by without refocusing your daily life on what’s truly important: people. Read Richard Eyre’s advice on relationships.
Do You Have a Grip on Your Finances?
Do you know where your money goes each month?
Are you allotting money each month to your savings goals?
Do you feel in control of your credit card spending?
Are you on track to build wealth with your income?
If you answered YES to 0-1 questions, congratulations! Your money management skills are in top form. If you answered NO to 2-4 questions, you could be creating unnecessary financial stress and keeping yourself from achieving true wealth. Read Dave Ramsey’s advice on money management.
Do You Control Your Income?
If you face a layoff, do you have an alternate income source?
Do you feel you have just as much control over your financial situation in an economic downturn as you do in a boom?
Do you have a plan for building wealth?
Have you taken steps toward starting that business you’ve always dreamed of owning?
If you answered YES to 0-1 questions, congratulations! You understand the secret to building wealth is owning your own business. If you answered NO to 2-4 questions, there has never been a better time to take control of your life and your income. Read Robert Kiyosaki’s advice on entrepreneurship
- See more at: http://www.success.com/article/take-control-of-your-life#sthash.kCshKmlA.dpuf
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